Wednesday, 26 December 2012


Whoever made this its brilliant
The Slasher movie was born out of the B-movie evolving from the 60's Splatter and the exploitation, Italian Gore Movies of the 70s. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974) showed that one character could make a film. It being a whole family of cannibal hillbillies as in the later The Hills Have Eyes (1977) but it was Leatherface who was the most memorable and became bigger than the film.  Black Christmas (1974) is widely considered the first pure slasher filmIt was the huge success of Halloween (1978) still one of the most profitable independent movies of all time and along with Friday the 13th (1980) unbelievably created popular Icons of its psychopaths and franchises that would last over 30 years it showed Hollywood slashers were worth investing in.  

The films had a basic formula 
Somebody dies in the opening credits  
I made this. Its not
The killer was usually a known urban legend or killer but not believed in
The early victims were oversexed teens (Who were usually in there 30s)
They are dispatched in graphic/Gory scenes
There's someone outside, arrrr shit its just a cat, turn round knife in the head 
people tripped over nothing and took ages to get up
One Victim/Hero was left (Usually the least popular Nerd or Virgin)
The killer is fucked up you think hes dead
Oh no hes not your fucked.
Thank god just survived and killed him
The killers body disappears (sequel pending)

Survivor dies in opening credits 
The killer was usually a known urban legend or killer but not believed in  
& repeat.

Blonde good looking you're screwed
In the UK, as it was a new development, the video market was not subjected to the same film censorship & classification reviews as in the cinema so these films found their home totally uncut on the video shelves and where very successful relishing their own controversy.   Driller Killer (1979) was the industries dream product the title alone was straight to the point) they tried to use its own controversy to sell its-self in the UK , now a proven selling technique, even anomalously complaining to the protesters of these videos.   During the conservative early 80s Britain it back fired.  "Mary fucking Whitehouse" Margaret Thatchers' personal Torquemada used Driller Killer (A distinctive title for them as well to push that it was vile, black Christmas or silent night would not have worked so well) she succeeded in championing a protest that coined the term 'video nasty' and led to the "Video Recordings Act 1984".  This spoiled every bodies fun apart from the censors as even films already seen at the cinema had to be resubmitted for video release.  The term cut for video now became the norm and saw some of the heaviest censorship seen to man (This is what I grew up with films so badly cut they made no sense were very short and were errr shit).  Even older films were subject to these video Nazis famously Peckinpahs' Straw Dogs (1971) was completely banned by the BBFC.  

The genre was pretty much dead in the UK and similar unpopularity along with boredom in the genre in America by the time of the release of Maniac Cop 3: Badge of Silence (1993) it was doomed.

In the UK it took 10 years for things to change The Exorcist was granted an uncut 18 certificate in 1999 & some "video nasties" took even longer but by the mid 90s some had started being re-released uncut which led to a refinding of the genre.  This time was met by Scream which in its on self deprecating way breathed new life in the genre seeing the release of  Urban Legend, Valentine, Cherry Falls, I Know What You Did Last Summer.

Now Hollywood is remaking many early slasher film (Halloween, Friday 13th, nightmare on Elm street , Prom Night, My Bloody Valentine, Silent Night, House of Wax, Black Christmas, Sorority Row, Maniac and Texas Chainsaw Massacre.  Nobody seems to have bothered with Driller Killer though and there were a million slasher movies, when they do Manic Cop I know the world will be due to end.

Even Buffy gets fucked over in slasher movies
The Slasher movie still has its home in the low budget end of the market and because I cant be bothered with explaining splatter movies and their evolution into torture porn I'm going to lump everything in together.  If you see any (relatively) high budget films here like the remake of Silent Night its because they should be low budget so errrrrrr that lets me off.

Slice em up

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Killers using traps (In no way like saw)

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             (2004)                          (2009) 


British - Irish Slasher Films

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             (2011                (2012                  

Psycho Kids

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Splatter/TP Movies

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With a twist

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