Saturday, 24 November 2012


Outpost (2008)

: War Is Hell, I know this personally as I played a lot of operation Wolf in the 80s.  
These guys know it too.  A bunch of Mercs hired by a representative of a shady company to take him to a mystery place in some war torn Eastern European shit hole to get some stuff & run.  The Mercs are a rag tag gang of tit wanks if ever there was. Dodgy accents are aplenty.

Turns out the mystery place is a Bunker (Well it would have been if that wasn't already a film so its an Outpost)   like it says in the tile 

Coming under fire straight away they have to hold up in the Bunk... sorry Outpost.  Thats when shit starts to get errrm Unreal.  Turns out its an Ex Nazi Bunk... damn it ....Outpost.  Full of Nazi stuff

In a room full of piled up dead bodies they find the creepiest looking survivor who could be the death of them all.

Then it all goes tits up mental for an inevitable Allies Vs the undead Zombie Nazi SS ghost-fucks

Is it good:  Too right it is.  If I was you I'd stop reading this, just watch it & come back.  As I may build it up too much.  Watch it with no expectations, like I did, in fact I'll say its shit.  Right are you back, did you like it - No, then fuck off & watch the time travelers wife.    

Gritty, Low budget action horror with plenty of atmosphere.  The underground scenes are creepy & claustrophobic, & story is basic but decent.  The acting is good The punisher (Ray Stevenson) makes a believable group leader.  His mercs play out well as mentally disturbed A Team, Irish bloke Who I've only ever seen in Spaced, as the E'd up Bike courier & then he turned up as a zombie version of the same characture in Shaun of the Dead for 2 minutes is pretty funny.

The Gore is spot on, a head being squashed was a highlight 

Turdige: Not much it is slightly slow at times but it Does everything a Nazi science created undead super soldier zombie ghost army war action horror movie should do.  
Overall:   If you thought the only good Nazi was a dead Nazi you might change your mind.  Quality low budget movie. Watch it

Steve Barker: Director - Cast: Ray Stevenson, Julian Wadham, Richard Brake, Paul Blair, Brett Fancy

Uk   USA - Click to Buy/Rent

Outpost II (Black Sun) - 2012

:  Its all kicking off back at the Outpost the Nazi Zombie Ghost fucks are back & they're really annoyed for some reason.

 Heir Klausener who built the Nazi Zombie creating machine is older than god but still knocking about & trying to start a 4th Reich.  Job number one get his machine back.  Turns out he funded  the first mission which didnt go to well & as they are watching a live feed of another team going in & getting hacked up its not getting any better. 

The Zombies it seems have upped the ante from the original film these are all out (Dawn of the dead remake) super fast zombies ripping their way through the surrounding villages. The machine is spreading the field they can run about in & it looks like Western Europe are not to happy about it probably thinking the zombies are immigrants coming over to steal their jobs. 

Klausener is being chased by a Jewish Nazi hunting bird & the Welsh bloke from coupling with a dodgy American accent is after the machine. They team up as the ultimate (completely out of their depth duo).  Sneaking into the unnamed Eastern European shit-hole they bump into some zombie ghosts, are saved by an English army squad & they all go off to the outpost for tea & scones.

Can the machine be stopped. Who wants it the most & who the fuck is the Blair Witch

Is it good:  Yes.  In Outpost the Zombies mostly hid in the shadows & the film played on the ghost/horror aspect.  This film expands on the story filling in the gaps of the science with mythology & errr more science "the world is vibration, particles nothing more".   The Zombie part is an old fashioned tear up with the soldiers having an EMP weapon that stops them phasing out as ghosts.

The acting is good its nice to see Richard Coyle in something again (nothing for years & in 2 weeks Ive seen him in this Grabbers & Pusher)  but I don't understand why he needs the ropey American accent its not like its a film of a classic novel & they have to stay loyal to the text
Just make him English or Welsh he was good at that one.

The gritty cold setting is the same as the original its great to see this rather than the clean studio feel of american movies.
The Gore is still spot on blood everywhere, the Zombie make up is great & the limited FX were well used.

Turdige: Not much, it goes slightly off point at times spending too much time explaining the machine & trying to make a set up for a 3rd plus the witch was just daft 
Overall:   Not as good as the first but I did love Outpost, it had to take the story somewhere & it wasn't a bad place to go  

Director: Steve Barker
Cast:Catherine Steadman, Richard Coyle, Daniel Caltagirone, Ali Craig, Nick Nevern

Blu-Ray  USA - Click to Buy/Rent

War of the Dead (2011)

Sort of Plot:  1930s Deep in the Finnish woods along the Russian border, Nazi occult scientists had been performing "Anti Death" experiments on captured Russian soldiers. Little monkeys they do love a bit of human experimentation.  Suddenly Hitler ordered it stopped & bunker abandoned (Its always an bloody bunker), records were burned & forgotten.  In 1941 an Elite squad of Finish & US/UK squad are sent to uncover the bunker& for some reason are being filmed by Jim Carver from the Bill. This much is true the screen tells me.

It doesn't say the rest is bollocks maybe it should.  The Allied troops wonder through the woods the main players seem to be Cpt Stone a spud faced hardcase GI.  Captain Niemi Finnish leader with a "secret agenda" & Lieutenant Laaksothe eye candy for the ladies. Niemi steals a clockwork thingamajig from a random house owned by some German bloke & they are all set.  

The squad Battle through the Russian Troops only to find them coming back from the dead "Facking fantastic" says Jim.  Weirdly like zombie monkeys they leap from the trees & have taken up parkour (The zombie hobby of choice).  Giving it legs they take up with a lone Russian survivor  who takes them to their objective The bunker.  Turns out the Nazi experiments had caused this, who would have figured.  Pretty much all action from then on these zombies can fight & Stone kicks a ridiculous amount of arse.  Some Nazi zombies turn up for an unknown reason & it goes mental. 

Is it good:  Yes switch of your brain which wasn't difficult for me I was drunk.  Most of the dialogue is pants "what the hell does he know hes not even Finnish", but I only picked up on that the 2nd time I watched it & I watched it a second time because of the action.

Its pretty much non stop the added element of military battles in these films is great, this one especially.  Ive seen reviews that compare it with "saving private Ryan" which is going a bit far but the feel is the same if not the content its very rough gritty & you feel in the action.  Jouko Ahola who plays - Captain Niemi was apparently World's Strongest Man winner in 1999 & 1997 so he fits the part very well in a great hardcore final battle.

Great battle scenes along with a grimy, gloomy, gritty & other words beginning with G.  Atmosphere (Like the outpost films) make the film.  The Zombie effects make up & gore all hold up well.

Film AKA - Stones War

Turdige: The plot (Who cares its a Zombie movie) The dialogue (Ditto) The plot is disjointed why the German bloke is making the clockwork things inst really explained.  The acting ranges from poor to ridiculous & then good at times.  Stone is played by a Brit with a ropey US accent.  All of this is relative though as its still 1000 times better than Nicolas Cages latest bag of bollocks "Stolen"
Overall:   Definitely worth the time (I think Ive watched it 4 times already)

Director: Marko Mäkilaakso
  Starring: Andrew Tiernan, Mikko Leppilampi, Samuel Vauramo

UK                    USA- Click to Buy/Rent

Outpost III: Rise of the Spetsnaz (2013)

Plot:  Back in the past an elite squad of hard as fuck Russian soldiers are looking for the "Outpost".  They don't know much about it, unlike anyone who has already watched the first 2 films, which they couldn't as there were no DVDs in the 1940s.

After a quick Nazi killing spree they're captured and taken to the outpost to have dirty things done to them (backdoor probing probably, those sneaky Nazis) in an effort to create super soldiers.  Human experiments that have already created undead monsters. 


Is it good:  Its ok Everybody loves a prequel it gets rid of those nasty annoying things, like surprises.  Part III is by far the weakest in the series however it isn't bad it does have great action/fight scenes. In fact The Russian captain Dolokhov (Bryan Larkin) turns out to be a decent action hero.  As the producers mentioned one part of the film is just cage fighting against zombies.  

 Strasser (Michael McKell) puts in a good performance as the sleazy SS officer

Some nice touches of humor and references (like the captain America ref)

The baby killer from Bavaria ---- great character. 

Hulk Smash
Turdige: As an origin story its not great, there is a lot of talk from the Nazi SS officer but more explanation was made in Outpost II of what is actually happening, plus the move is further  from the soldiers shifted out of the physical dimension of the first film to regular zombies action.  The whole thing is basically a zombie escape film and the creepy atmosphere that made the first so good is lost.   

There was a lot to work with but it was kind of ignored, like the Nazi soldiers contemplating that if it works on the Russians then they could be next, but nothing comes of it.  
Overall:   The early Nazi Zombie ghost things were rubbish.  Not a bad action movie though.  As they say "Lets go slaughter some fucking Nazis"

Director: Kieran Parker Cast:: Bryan Larkin, Iván Kamarás, Michael McKell, Velibor Topic, Ben Lambert 

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