Sunday, 14 July 2013

BUG (2006) Film Review

Bug (2006)

Plot:   Agnes (Ashley Judd) is a mess, living in a scruffy motel, indulging in drink and drugs worried about her abusive ex Jerry (Harry Connick Jr) who has just been released from prison.  

Things aren’t exactly going well but they get a fuck load worse when she's introduced to Peter (Michael Shannon) a seemingly nice timid guy who makes her feel wanted again.  Giving all her trust to him until he draws her into a Bug infested world of madness. 

I found a fucking pube
Is it good:  Yes, William Friedkin the legend behind the Exorcist (1973) hasn’t had a mention in a while but he proves with Bug that he can still get in your head.  Not a conventional horror more a drug induced sub Cronenberg flick.  

Ashley Judd shows has always been damn good, criminally underrated actress with nipples that could cut glass & they make a much appreciated appearance.
 She is damaged and susceptible to abuse, agreeing it’s her fault when her ex returns and beats her.  Which could be a contributing factor to being overcome by the errr bugginess of life.

That escalated quickly
It’s open to interpretation, what it’s all about, whether he is a veteran that has been experimented on, or just a schizophrenic with an infections personality, or as I think bug is just a metaphor for & effect of the crack or meth they seem to be on.  It would explain there deterioration, paranoia and alienation from others while relying just on each other drawn into their own world.  I am probably completely wrong but I’m happy not to know just like I never knew what the fuck Cronenberg or Lynch were doing.

As with the Exorcist the claustrophobic intensity a single room film gives is what Friedkin does best. 

Also there is a nice touch of gore mostly self inflicted.


Turdige:  The doctor/whatever?? was bit of a weak link not convincing as, well, anything.  Not much else maybe could have done with a bit more blood & nipples but that’s what rewind & freeze-frame were invented for.  

Overall:   Great acting and atmosphere for a limited location film. Hot sweaty claustrophobic felt difficult to breathe just watching it.   An excellent descent into madness film that really draws you in to the world of the mind fucked.  


Director: William Friedkin Cast: Ashley Judd, Michael Shannon, Harry Connick Jr, Lynn Collins, Brían F. O'Byrne

 UK_DVD USA_Buy/Rent$1.99

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